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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Sterczące Uszy

Hello! My name is Niunia. I am a charming, sweet, sponge cake they abandoned. They abandoned me because they left and I couldn't with them. A nice lady was looking for me a home, but it's hard because I have separation fear. This fear is that I miss you. I don't want to be home alone. I have the potential to learn to be at home when my owner is working, but I need time, the right people (e.g. working remotely), love, understanding and specialist care, which is a behaviorist. Such a behaviorist helps in understanding my emotions, which I cannot convey to human ... I once lived in a kennel with my brother and mother. I did not eat much because they were stronger and took, which caused the weapons to eat now. This is also going to work on this, but I have no one with ... will you give me a chance? Are you adopting me? I am less than a year old, 11 kg, so much dream, willingness, tenderness - oh I like caresses and strokes!

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